Friday 4 March 2011

Evaluation Of Filming...


Day 1:
Throughout the days of filming the weather was not awful and so made things very difficult. The first day was especially bad as it was raining and also extremely coldand windy- making camara work (used umbrella's), acting and decision making very difficult. Also we were only limited to few hours of filming and also waighting until it was dark enough for us to film- as we wanted a dark setting because it is somwhat a generic convention of horror/thriller.

We began by visting the different locations and then through elimination due to some being better than others and deciding the strengths and weaknesses of the loctions we were left with two. The riverside location was to be the main one and the tunnel a secondary one. Once we went back to the main loction- we spent almost an hour in the unbearable cold deliberating with constructive critisism of ideas etc and finally came up with a almost complete idea of what we were going to do, where we were going to film etc. We decided nottouse the tunnel as it would be difficult to imagine that that poor conditioned tunnel would be in such a nice loction as our main one (riverside).

Weather didn't help but was an effective tool in helping establish our genre and we then tried to use it in our favour. Finally we started filming and incooprated our initial ideas and those from our storyboad when shooting. We had already decided most of the camera shots, dialogue, mise on scene etc but also added thing which we thought would look good through using what was availiable at the loction.

In conclusion Day 1 ended very well as we managed to get a lot of filming done and the talking which alowed us to come to an agreement about the whole opening meant that we could get straight into filming the next few days.

Day 2:
The weather wasn't much of a factor but still wasnt ideal for filming. We arrived simillar time to day 1, however this time it took much longer to get dark and so valuable filming time was lost. Nevertheless we managed toget more done than expected. We shot several scenes and got most of the middle done- all that was left was the was the last few clips.

Unfortunately we had to end early due to carmeras acting up and battery running out- this made filming difficult as camera became blury. Also there was more interuptions as people were walking by etc as we were filming in a public place.

In conclusion, day 2 was not bad as we did manage to get more done than first expected as timing didn't help as well as external factors effecting filming.

Day 3:
Weather was again an issue but again we used it to our advantage geting a great close up shot of me running into a puddlein which we filmed a perfect splash of the water. We had to also refilm a scene as it didn't quite work with the following clip.

We then filmed our running scene in which we got many good but different shots whist running- which follwed into our final scene. The final scene was one of our favourite and best scenes- me (Rajwar Alom) and Ibrahim Ali together combined our ideas and came up with an effective ending to our film opening. We decided to run down the stair and into a new road in which as soon as i turn we would see a car appraoching at speed and then the camera would pan an with the and pause at the middle in which the entity (ghost?) would be standing and the camera would pause for a few seconds and focus on it and then fade to black- this would make it seem as though the car went through the entity- making it seem supernatural.

In conclusion, day 3 was the smoothest of filming days as we got exactly what we set out to do done and finally completed the filming- allowing us to be ahead of all the other groups- thus giving us more time to edit, which was our original plan.    

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