Saturday 30 April 2011

Alteration to the film (Glasses)

During our filming we realised that we have done a mistake as we got carried away with exhilaration and realised half of the scenes were filmed with our main character Rajwar wearing glasses and the other half him without the glasses. Therefore we decided to make an alteration to the film, as filming all over again would be time consuming especially as the deadline day for our work was very near. 

Therefore we decided to film a little scene showing that his glasses fell before he decided to run due to the character being anxious and distressed, however this ultimately worked in our favour as this created trepidation for our viewers.

Main Character Costume (Rajwar)

During our filming we never really decided specifically what our main character’s (Rajwar) costume should be, due to the choice of our fantastic location we have decided to portray him as a working class citizen who is coming from work. This was decided unanimously by all of our group members. 

Therefore his costume included what a typical city worker would wear and we see in daily films and soaps.  A good example of this is when it was evident during our research that in Eastenders Max Branning is portrayed as a business man, therefore this included similar costume for and as Rajwar, this included the following;a shirt, a tie, trouser and shoes. Bellow is an image of Max Branning in his costume. 

Friday 11 March 2011

Over View of Our Previous Lessons

During our wendesday and thurday lesson it was all about editing. Due to our video not having much dialoge, our group had to research some good SFX and soundtrack for the opening scene of the film. We decided to split our group in to 2 groups with 2 on one laptop editting and another 2 researching and updating our blog, nevertheless this did not stop from all of us giving our feedback, inputing our ideas and communicating with eachother throughout the lesson.

In addition, the video is coming out good and on thursday we filmed the big jar with red food colouring for our film credits, it came out pretty good and we started to edit our names aswell. However, after comunicating with the team we have decided to come after school today to input our final few touches. We are very excited!!!! :)

Thursday 10 March 2011

Opening Sound for Introduction

Listen to the first 10 seconds of this clip, this is the type of sound we want to use to introduce our ghost at the end. This will grab the audience attention straight away and therefore create good effect and interest the viewers.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Just playing around on Photoshop to come up with ideas for our credits for our opening scene.

Friday 4 March 2011

Evaluation Of Filming...


Day 1:
Throughout the days of filming the weather was not awful and so made things very difficult. The first day was especially bad as it was raining and also extremely coldand windy- making camara work (used umbrella's), acting and decision making very difficult. Also we were only limited to few hours of filming and also waighting until it was dark enough for us to film- as we wanted a dark setting because it is somwhat a generic convention of horror/thriller.

We began by visting the different locations and then through elimination due to some being better than others and deciding the strengths and weaknesses of the loctions we were left with two. The riverside location was to be the main one and the tunnel a secondary one. Once we went back to the main loction- we spent almost an hour in the unbearable cold deliberating with constructive critisism of ideas etc and finally came up with a almost complete idea of what we were going to do, where we were going to film etc. We decided nottouse the tunnel as it would be difficult to imagine that that poor conditioned tunnel would be in such a nice loction as our main one (riverside).

Weather didn't help but was an effective tool in helping establish our genre and we then tried to use it in our favour. Finally we started filming and incooprated our initial ideas and those from our storyboad when shooting. We had already decided most of the camera shots, dialogue, mise on scene etc but also added thing which we thought would look good through using what was availiable at the loction.

In conclusion Day 1 ended very well as we managed to get a lot of filming done and the talking which alowed us to come to an agreement about the whole opening meant that we could get straight into filming the next few days.

Day 2:
The weather wasn't much of a factor but still wasnt ideal for filming. We arrived simillar time to day 1, however this time it took much longer to get dark and so valuable filming time was lost. Nevertheless we managed toget more done than expected. We shot several scenes and got most of the middle done- all that was left was the was the last few clips.

Unfortunately we had to end early due to carmeras acting up and battery running out- this made filming difficult as camera became blury. Also there was more interuptions as people were walking by etc as we were filming in a public place.

In conclusion, day 2 was not bad as we did manage to get more done than first expected as timing didn't help as well as external factors effecting filming.

Day 3:
Weather was again an issue but again we used it to our advantage geting a great close up shot of me running into a puddlein which we filmed a perfect splash of the water. We had to also refilm a scene as it didn't quite work with the following clip.

We then filmed our running scene in which we got many good but different shots whist running- which follwed into our final scene. The final scene was one of our favourite and best scenes- me (Rajwar Alom) and Ibrahim Ali together combined our ideas and came up with an effective ending to our film opening. We decided to run down the stair and into a new road in which as soon as i turn we would see a car appraoching at speed and then the camera would pan an with the and pause at the middle in which the entity (ghost?) would be standing and the camera would pause for a few seconds and focus on it and then fade to black- this would make it seem as though the car went through the entity- making it seem supernatural.

In conclusion, day 3 was the smoothest of filming days as we got exactly what we set out to do done and finally completed the filming- allowing us to be ahead of all the other groups- thus giving us more time to edit, which was our original plan.    

Thursday 3 March 2011

Idea's For Our Film Credits

We came up with this idea for opening credits of our film, this relates to our film genre, however we will do this by having an ECU (Extreme Close Up) of a bowl of fake blood done through food colouring nevertheless, we will also use a straw to blow bubbles for effect.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Final Day Of Filming

During our final day of filming the weather was pretty bad as it was extremely cold and our director was ill as well. However, this did not prevent our camera man from working hard as shown on the above picture.
This picture shows that our actor is feeling very cold as his waiting for his part to be filmed, never realised hugging onto jackets will makes you feel warm.
The above image shows that the director is making some adjustments to the costume of the actor.

This final shot shows one of our groups favourite shots, this was filmed by our camera man getting a birds eye view of our main actor running down the stairs.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Day Three Filming Overview

Yesterday filming was straight forward we shot the running scene and other  additional scenes. Rajwar and Ibrahim came up with an idea for the ending of the opening of our film we wanted to end in a cliff hanger so we thought that the 'Ghost' should stand on the other side of the road and a car rushes past the 'Ghost' at high speed while Tanbir pans with the camera after the main character runs away.

We are very pleased that we got filming out of the way and now have left to do the editing. The editors of our film are estimating it will take 3-5 days to edit the film and should be completed and posted by then. In conclusion I personally believe that we as a group and individually done really well because we came out with brilliant ideas and putting them to use not forgeting we as a group completing this task on high.

I will also try to keep you updated with any extra things we do. 

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Day Two Filming (Overview)

Today the weather wasn't against us like it was in Day One filming where it was very windy & rainy. I don't think it will affect our filming to much as lighting is our main source where we need the location to be dark to set the spooky scene. As a group we decided on what shots we should use when the character (Rajwar) is walking through Riverside; we used high-angle shot, low angle shot, extreme long shot. This gave us a chance to have a varity of shots to play around with when it comes to editing but at the same time add suspence to the viewer of where he is going.

Overall, I think we are moving at a good pace & should carry on motivating each other. Few more shots left to do the next time we film and I think the whole thing will come together well.

Filming Day Two Overview

Yesterday, filming was not as good because of the timing which affected our lighting. Also the wether did not have as much as an impact as it did on Sunday although it was quite breezy. However, on the other hand because our setting was set in a public place we had quite a few people from the public walking around the set which made us lose valuable time. Another factor which contributed to our loss of time was the fact that the camcorders were playing up in which i mean when recording an image or a footage the camcorder use to go blurry and the battery life was very short so as a result we could not achieve the goal we wanted to. Nevertheless on the plus side we got brilliant camera shots and saw our ideas coming to life.

To conclude i will try to keep the blog updated as much as i can on our progress.

Pedistrian Tunnel

                      A pedistrian tunnel in Shadwell Park which was one of the ideas for our location.

                                This is the setting which we are using currently for our film opening.

Monday 14 February 2011

Day One Filming (Overview)

Today we met up together and visited two brilliant locations, the first was in Shadwell Park and the second was in Riverside Wapping. After we visited the locations we had a little brainstorm and chose Riverside as our primary location where our film opening scene will begin. In Riverside we took various shots such as; whip pan, long shot, over the shoulder shot, low angle, medium shot and pans.

In my opinion our group is progressing very well, by strictly keeping to our time management and by making valuable contribution in our brain storm. Furthermore we aim to finish most of our filming by Thursday and start editing by Tuesday.

In conclusion i believe as a group we are on target and cannot afford to start slacking now.

Day One Filming (Keeping A Diary)

Here we are taking a 3 seconds shot of our location. Therefore this will be used to introduce the location at the beggining of the opening scene.
Here we can see Abu & Tanbir using the camera to take a high angel shot. Abu is holding the umbrella to protect the camera from getting damaged.
This is Tanbir (Camera Man) taking a low angel shot of the footpath. This is also a 3 seconds shot to introduce the location.
This shot shows that Abu, potrayed as the 'ghost' wearing his black costume and sitting on the bench. You can not see it clearly as the camera quality was not great, however, during filming it worked out really well as the lighting of the scene came into great effect

Friday 11 February 2011


This is one of the locations we have decided to use (at night)- situated in Wapping Riverside.

Research of opening titles etc

                                                                      (Saw I Trailer)

Although this a trailer of Saw I. It has many good camera shots which we can use in our film opening as well as editing techniques,opening titles and good use of sound effects.The beginning of saw I has great opening titles which is a good idea for us to use something similar or along the lines of the opening titles of Saw I. This is because Saw I has the same hybrid genre as we have Horror/Thriller.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Story board still images

Media Costume

Above are the two costumes that I and my group have decided is appropriate to use for our opening scene of the film. These are called ‘Islamic thobe’. This will be worn by Abu Ahsan who in the film who shall portray as the ‘Ghost’. Nevertheless, we have chosen these two colours as depending on the lighting and the location we will decide which colour gives us the best shot as well as the best image and effect in order to grab thier attention. Please leave your comments, opinions as well as your suggestions bellow.

Video Diary

This is our video diary of our idea.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

My Soul to Take Trailer

After watching a glimps of the opening scene of this movie, it certainly looked like it was something similar along the line of what me and my group want to do. I think the blank screen between each of the snap shots create some sort of suspense and I think we should definatly incorporate that some how into our oepning scene.

Camera Shots

Camera shots that we are going to use:
- Close up
- Medium shot
- Long shot
- High angle shot
- Over the shoulder
- Head and shoulder
- Low angle shot
- Whip pan
- Pan

Costume & Props

- Lights
- Torch
- Lamp post
- Glasses

- Black shirt with skinny tie
- Comfortable running shoes
- Long Black gown
- Grey trousers

- Abu Ahsan
- Rajwar Alom

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Location Tunnel

This is our setting which will be used in our film opening

21st Century Perfectionists film opening H/W

Our film begins with flickering images of a person appearing and disappearing inside a tunnel hinting at the genre of our film. The main character is walking home were he finds two different paths one is the longer path the second is a shortcut through the tunnel. 
As the main character is walking through the tunnel one after another light flickers on and off as well as a large shadow behind him. As he is walking through the title credits will roll with the sound of the heartbeat slowly building up this will also consist super natural factors such as 'ghost' flashing past, nevertheless the opening of the scene will end with a close up shot of his face waking up from a nightmare, however the ending may change due to the location.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Difference Between Thriller and Horror

A thriller is more interested in suspense, putting you "on the edge of your seat" or in plain terms, making you nervous for the fate of the characters. A horror movie wants to make you fear for your personal safety, to make you afraid that what happened to the characters may happen to you even after you've left the theatre. 

As a good horror movie often contains a great deal of suspense and as a good thriller can be pretty scary in spots it's more down to the intentions of the film maker and the subject matter of the film. Hitchcock is regarded as a suspense director but his films Psycho and The Birds are more correctly classified as horror films because they deal with horrific subject matter and their intention is to terrify, not make you nervous about the fate of the on-screen characters. Hitchcock's film North By Northwest has a terrifically suspenseful ending but it is not particularly horrific in that it is not specifically designed to scare you into thinking you may fall off Washington's nose on your next visit to Mount Rushmore.

Since the 80's film makers who somehow feel making a horror film is beneath them have often described their films as "thrillers" when they are actually horror films further blurring the difference between the two styles.

Horror Genre

The trait of the genre of horror is that it provokes a response, emotional, psychological or physical within each individual that causes someone to react with fear. In order for that response to be elicited there are different techniques used, such as unreal figures (phantoms, mummies, etc.), or more real situations and figures (serial killers). The main ingredient within horror is that the reader or viewer can relate to it somehow and that there's always something unexpected on its way. The whole horror genre is built up upon people's fear of the unknown and anxieties. According to H.P. Lovecraft, "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
One of the best-known contemporary horror writers is Stephen King. Beginning in the 1970s, King's stories have managed to attract a large audience, for which he was prized by the U.S. National Book Foundation in 2003.

Thriller Genre

Thriller is a genre of literature, film, and television that uses suspense, tension, and excitement as the main elements. The primary subgenre is psychological thrillers. After the assassination of President Kennedy, political thriller and paranoid thriller films became very popular. The brightest examples of thrillers are the Hitchcock’s movies. The cover-up of important information from the viewer and fight/chase scenes are common methods in all of the thriller subgenres, although each subgenre has its own characteristics and methods.
More common in mystery thrillers are investigations and the whodunit technique. Common elements in psychological thrillers are mind games, psychological themes, stalking, confinement/death-traps, horror-of-personality, and obsession. Elements such as conspiracy theories, false accusations, paranoia, and sometimes action are common in paranoid thrillers. Some argue, though, that the thriller genre is simply a pseudonym for the horror genre, both using suspense and atmosphere to cause feelings of dread in their audiences.
"Homer's Odyssey is one of the oldest stories in the Western world and is regarded as an early prototype of the thriller." A thriller is villain-driven plot, whereby he presents obstacles that the hero must overcome

Top 10 Horror Movies

1. Shutter Island - Drama set in 1954, U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels is investigating the disappearance of a murderess who escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane and is presumed to be hiding nearby.
2. Buried - Paul is a U.S. contractor working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap.
3. Frozen -Three skiers are stranded on a chairlift and forced to make life-or-death choices that prove more perilous than staying put and freezing to death
4. Paranormal Activity 2 - After experiencing what they think are a series of "break-ins", a family sets up security cameras around their home, only to realize that the events unfolding before them are more sinister than they seem.
5. Let Me In - A bullied young boy befriends a young female vampire who lives in secrecy with her guardian.
6. The Last Exorcism - A troubled evangelical minister agrees to let his last exorcism be filmed by a documentary crew.
7. Piranha 3D - After a sudden underwater tremor sets free scores of the prehistoric man-eating fish, an unlikely group of strangers must band together to stop themselves from becoming fish food for the area's new razor-toothed residents.
8. The Wolfman - Upon his return to his ancestral homeland, an American man is bitten, and subsequently cursed by, a werewolf. 
9. Daybreakers - In the year 2019, a plague has transformed most every human into vampires. Faced with a dwindling blood supply, the fractured dominant race plots their survival; meanwhile, a researcher works with a covert band of vamps on a way to save humankind.
10. The Crazies - About the inhabitants of a small Iowa town suddenly plagued by insanity and then death after a mysterious toxin contaminates their water supply.

Top 10 Thriller Movies

  1. “Inception” - Christopher Nolan took a break from the “Batman” franchise to make this, one of the top thriller movies of 2010. Leonardo DiCaprio start in the movie that prides itself on its brains and puzzles. The movie requires more than one viewing but is worth it in the end.
  2. “Shutter Island” - Martin Scorsese directed this movie, one of the top thriller movies of 2010. Leonardo DiCaprio is a special agent who travels to a maximum security prison to investigate the disappearance of a woman. Nothing is ever as it seems in one of Scorsese’s most unusual films.
  3. “Kick-Ass” - In this comic book adaptation, a young comic book fan with no powers attempts to become a super hero to help save people. In one of the top thriller movies of 2010, Matthew Vaughn directs this blackly comic movie with strong turns from Nicolas Cage and Mark Strong. It also provided the breakout role for young Chloe Moretz.
  4. “Red” - Bruce Willis stars in this fun movie, one of the top thriller movies of 2010. The movie, based on a comic book, focuses on a group of retired special ops killers who find themselves the target of the CIA to keep them quiet about what they know. John Malkovich, Helen Mirren and Morgan Freeman supply great supporting roles.
  5. “Book of Eli” - Denzel Washington stars in this post-apocalyptic thriller, one of the top thriller movies of 2010. Washington plays a modern day samurai, travelling across a ravaged United States protecting a special book. Gary Oldman also stars as the bad guy who wants the book for himself.
  6. “Daybreakers” - In this modern take on the vampire myth, the vampires rule the world and the humans are the minority fighting for freedom. One of the top thriller movies of 2010, Ethan Hawke stars as one of the vampires who suddenly finds himself part of a small human rebellion.
  7. “The Expendables” - Sylvester Stallone directs this movie, a call back to the action thrillers of the ‘80s, and what results is one of the top thriller movies of 2010. Stallone gathered a who’s-who of ‘80s stars including Dolph Lundgren, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis as well as new guys like Jason Statham and Jet Li.
  8. “Machete” - Robert Rodriguez brings his “Grindhouse” trailer to life in this exploitation thriller, one of the top thriller movies of 2010. Danny Trejo stars as a former Mexican Federale who is betrayed and left for dead. Now, living in the United States, he finds himself in a fight against The Man.
  9. “The Losers” - Based on a comic book, this movie follows an elite military unit betrayed by their country. One of the top thriller movies of 2010, “The Losers” is a retelling of “The A-Team” for modern times. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldana and Chris Evans star in this entertaining, thrilling adaptation.
  10. “Salt” - Phillip Noyce tries to inject some estrogen into the spy genre in this, one of the top thriller movies of 2010. Angelina Jolie stars as an American spy who finds herself accused of being a Russian sleeper agent. The movie then becomes a thrilling chase flick, with Jolie holding her own against her male counterparts

Thursday 27 January 2011

Animated Jelly Babies

Q: What a the name of your production company?
A: 21st Century Perfectionist
Q: What genre are you going to make?
A: Thriller/ Horror
Q: What are the key existing texts in this genre?
A: Familiar Thriller/Horror:
1. My bloody valentine
2. Drag me to hell
3. The last house on the left
4. Paranormal Activity
5. Orphan
Q: What are the generic conventions of this genre?
A: Generally, thriller show justice and injustice (or good & evil) fighting against each other, with an overall feel of suspence. A thriller movies is usually has a growing sense of threat or danger and there is a clear sense of pursuit. 

Tuesday 25 January 2011


The Plot

When a younger girl called Emily Rose dies, everyone puts blame on the exorcism which was performed on her by Father Moore prior to her death. The priest is arrested on suspicion of murder. The trail begins with lawyer Erin Bruner representing Moore, but it is not going to be easy, as no one wants to believe what Father Moore says is true.

Box Office:
Opening Weekend:
$12,871,483 (USA) (26 July 2009) (2750 Screens)
£1,574,945 (UK)
$41,573,740 (USA) (4 October 2009)

Production Co:

Monday 24 January 2011

The Exorcism of Emily Rose

The Plot
When a younger girl called Emily Rose dies, everyone puts blame on the exorcism which was performed on her by Father Moore prior to her death. The priest is arrested on suspicion of murder. The trail begins with lawyer Erin Bruner representing Moore, but it is not going to be easy, as no one wants to believe what Father Moore says is true.
Production Companies 
Screen Gems (presents), Lakeshore Entertainment and Firm Films
Box Office USA
Budget:$20,000,000 (estimated)
Opening Weekend:$30,054,300 (USA) (11 September 2005) (2981 Screens)
Gross:$75,072,454 (USA) (6 November 2005)

Box Office UK
Opening Weekend: £1,346,732 (UK) (27 November 2005) (359 Screens)
Gross: £3,651,487 (UK) (25 December 2005),£3,575,342 (UK) (18 December 2005),£3,356,653 (UK) (11 December 2005),£2,708,877 (UK) (4 December 2005)and £1,346,732 (UK) (27 November 2005)The film name is called The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)

Thursday 20 January 2011


Two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi.
Release Date:

5 January 1996 (UK)
Box Office
 $33,000,000 (estimated)
£19,234,230 (UK) (17 March 1996)
£17,834,902 (UK) (19 February 1996)
£11,434,343 (UK) (
21 January 1996)
£19,500,000 (UK)
$316,400,000 (Worldwide)                                         
$216,300,000 (Worldwide) (except USA)
Company Credits
Production Co:
 Cecchi Gori Pictures, New Line Cinema, Entertainment in Video (UK) 

28 Days Later

Four weeks after a mysterious, incurable virus spreads throughout the UK, a handful of survivors try to find sanctuary.
Box Office:
$8,000,000 (estimated)
Opening Weekend:
$10,061,858 (USA) (29 June 2003) (1260 Screens)
$45,063,889 (USA) (26 October 2003)
Production Co:
DNA Films, British Film Council
